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Additional Fields, Notes, Attachments and Tasks

Notes and Attachments is a common feature across all menus in LinkWEB. It allows users to maintain capture important information and add supporting documents or files. Notes and Attachments contains:

  1. Additional Fields - Additional fields allows users to add new fields to a menu that can be used to store additional information.
  2. Notes and Comments - Notes is used to add details which can be "Read Only".
  3. Attachments and Hyper Links - Attachments are used to store and share files or images. Users can upload multiple files under different attachment groups.
  4. Tasks

Steps to add details:

  1. Additional Fields  - These fields are created to store additional information for a record. Refer to Figure 1.
    1. Enable access to menu "FR611 - Additional Fields".
    2. Click on "New". This will open the edit form.
    3. Enter below details:
      1. Field Name - This is the name that will appear in the menu.
      2. Field Type - Select the field type which defines the input type for the field.
      3. Description - Enter the detailed description of the additional field. This tells the users what information must be updated.
      4. Save
  2. Notes - This is used to add notes and comments for a record.  Refer to Figure 2.
    1. Enable access for menus "FR080 - Notes Security Access" and "FR083 - Comments Security Access".
    2. Click on "New". This will open the edit form.
    3. Enter below details:
      1. Notes - Enter the full details
      2. Read Only - Tick the option to disallow users to edit the notes.
      3. Save.
      4. Expand into the details to add comments for the notes.
  3. Attachments and Hyper links- This allows users to attach documents and referential URLs for a record. Refer to Figure 3.
    1. Attachments
      1. Enable access to menu "FR002 - Attachments Security Access".
      2. Click on "New". This will open the edit form.
      3. Enter the "Attachment Group Name", "Description" and Save. This will create the attachment header.
      4. Expand into the details of the "Attachment Group"
        1. Click on the "Browse" button and select files to attach.
        2. Click on "Upload" to save the attachment.
          1. The "Upload" option is activated after a file has been selected.
      5. Once the files have been attached:
        1. Click on "View" to review the contents of the attachments.
        2. Click on "Red X" to delete attachments.
    2. Hyper links
      1. Click on "New". This will open the edit form
      2. Enter below details:
        1. Description - Enter the full details to describe the hyperlink.
        2. Hyperlink- Enter the link.
      3. Save.
  4. Tasks - This allows users to add/assign tasks for the record
      Field  Description
     Summary  Summary of the task
     Details  Enter detailed information about the task
     Priority  Refer to Dropdown: Task Priority
     Due Date  Due date of task
     Task Group  Refer to Dropdown: Task Group
     Assigned To  Assigned to a user
     Status  Refer to dropdown: Task Status
     Create a Helpdesk case using this template  Use this option to create a helpdesk case for this task

  5. Additional Rules - These rules are created to store additional configurations for a record. 
    1. Enable access to menu "FR611 - Additional Fields / Rules".
    2. Click on "New". This will open the edit form.
    3. Enter below details:
      1. Rule Name - This is the name that will appear in the menu.
      2. Field Type - Select the field type which defines the input type for the rule.
      3. Description - Enter the detailed description of the additional rule. This tells the users what information must be updated.
      4. Save

Figure 1: Additional Fields

Figure 2:Notes

Figure 3: Attachments and Hyper links